Membership categories
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Years Of Experience
Many Prestigious Awards
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Membership Categories
PERAK is made up of over 3,800 members stretching across the restaurant, hospitality and foodservice industries.
Join the only organization speaking with one voice on behalf of hospitality, bringing together operators, suppliers and anyone affiliated with the sector. PERAK membership gives you a platform to share your political priorities, gain access to business-building tools and resources, and develop deeper relationships with your peers across the state.
If you are a Restaurant, Bar, Hotel, Event Space, Catering Company, Attraction, Foodservice Supplier, Manufacturer or Distributor…PERAK is for You!
One off application fee ksh 2500
Individual entities
Liquor license till 11pm- ksh 10,000
Liquor license till 3am- ksh 15,000
- Sub-County Bar and Restaurants Associations- based on the number of subscribed membership
- County Bar and Restaurants Associations- based on the number of subscribed membership
Become a member of PERAK
Our mission is your future, our purpose is to help you enter a new era of prosperity, prominence, and participation. The Pubs Entertainment Restaurants of Kenya team looks forward to your support.